out & about #5

Camden Town.
Because the weather in Manchester today is so miserable, I felt like I needed to inject a bit of colour into my life and you can't get much more colourful than this streetstyle picture I took. 
When I went out and took this picture, I was looking for people with style that was completely different to mine, this was definitely one of the most contrasting looks. It was the purple hair that made me nearly run over to this lady to ask if I could take her picture but my favourite piece to this outfit is the leggings, I just love them. This outfit was so different to my own personal style that I really wanted to see what she was wearing under the jacket, to see if I could be further shocked but unfortunately she was in a rush. 
Even though I would never wear an outfit like this because its just not me, I loved her confidence to be different and unique when many are just the same and conform. Lets be honest, not many people can pull off blue eyebrows!

I hope this has made your day a bit more colourful, Love O x


  1. Those leggings are amazing! You can tell this girl has a bold, vibrant personality :)
    And I admire your confidence for approaching her for a photo! So awesome. I don't think I'd have the guts to do something like that.


  2. That is really "out there" for me! But I admire her courage to be just her and be confident in her own style! I have a more conservative style and my 2012 style resolution is to be get out of my comfort zone a little:-)
    Lovely blog BTW! Happy blogging!
